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A Winning Product vs Multiple Product Importation

I have come across lot of confusions among the new comers in mini importation about choosing between a winning product and multiple products importation of varied products from China.

What do I mean?

Winning product

A winning product is something you found to have a greater selling power. A greater selling power in the sense that you have made a product research as a mini importer in any of the e-commerce websites, traditional market, customer-persona, having ran testing adverts on several other products but you ended up choosing one product as the winner.

You chose that product as a winner because it had more mass appeal – that is people found huge interests in it than the other products you subjected to it through your product research.

Since you have found a product that has proven to sell more than the other, your next action would be to focus only in importing that product instead of importing other products at the same time.

The cliche, winning product, could be referred to as niche product to some experts. This is because you will be focusing more on how to drive sales only on one particular product.

A successful winning products are most times referred to as hot selling products. They are called hot selling products because they have proven to have generated mass interest over time.

Multiple importation of varied products from China.

This model of mini importation is common to people starting the importation business. It is a great business model because it is flexible in the choices it gives to potential customers.

The flexibility is significant from the variations of products you as a seller will be giving to a potential customer to make their choices from the lists of what you are selling.

This is what I mean

Let’s say you found 8 different products to import from either 1688, Alibaba, AliExpress, Taobao, DHgate etc. Boom, you finally brought them home.

Let’s also say that you bought

  • Female handbags
  • Female shoes
  • Female purse
  • Female tops
  • Men’s boxers
  • Men’s sneakers
  • Yoni Pearls
  • Vaginal tightening cream

That makes it 8 different imported products.

To market these products, you either uplodad them either on your WhatsApp statuses, Facebook or Instagram feeds. If you take a closer look at this, you will be giving both your existing and potential customers the privilege to make their choices.

One may not like your purse, handbag nor shoes but find interest on your black and white tops. On the other hand, another customer may prefer a black female shoe to other products you listed.

That is the flexibility of importing more than one product.

But wait!

There is a reason why mini importation actually existed in the first place and everything is dependent on your strength as a mini importer. Mini importation aims to leverage on the opportunity of outsourcing products around the world then getting them shipped and delivered to your home address by just staying in your little, big home with your smart device – Smartphone, Tablet or PC.

  • Conventional importation involves
  • Getting a business visa to a country,
  • Meeting with your business partner in that country
  • Then coming back to your country with container loads of your products in millions.

Can you beat that? NO!

The intention of mini importation is to get few items at very affordable prices then resell them at your own convenient prices. You really do not need to start competing with the business tycoons that import at very cheaper prices in millions.

Let’s go back to the topic…

To sell a single product might be easier and stress-free than selling 10 different products. Mind you, a single product can as well have sizing and colour variations.

If you have a very small budget on marketing, then buying to sell multiple products may not work for you. It requires more on marketing strategies than when you are selling only a few.

If I am selling a female handbag that comes in black, red, pink colours, I already know that I will be channelling all my energies strategizing to market that single handbag.

I’m not distracted in any way. I can simply manage my marketing budget. Even if I don’t have enough bduget on marketing, it is now easier for me to find micro influencers to help promote my handbag.

Different forces are pulled in to market a product.

So, in a case where I am to sell 8 different products as listed above with a tiny budget or even none then I would be in a dilenma of which product to give more attention to.

If I had to use micro influencers, I would start thinking what products to advertize first and what not to. This creates marketing distractions selling multiple products.

But if you have a huge marketing budget, that would be amazing. Order as many products you can, get a standard e-commerce store and start pushing your advertisements.

There is a smarter way of buying multiple products and selling them either together as one or cross-sell.

This is what you will do

Find a product, then find other complementary products that will complement the use of that product.

Some of the complementary products include

  • Weight lost supplement and belly trimming belt
  • Mobile Phones and headsets, earbuds, pouch, power banks
  • Computer Hardware and Computer Software.
  • Shoes, sneakers and stockings, extra shoe lace
  • A female matching dress and a handbag or a shoe
  • A male sneakers and matching face cap etc.

Try any of these in your product research and see how it works. Let me know what you think in the comment section.


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